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Thursday, June 11, 2009

OKAY! So I have been taking a break from blogging. A long one. Nothing new there, right? :P And according to Stella, stopped using the internet. I use okay! Just didn't blog only. And didn't go on msn. Only. Ahhh! Xue Yi! I appologise. And Li Xin, don't ignore me. :'( I am blogging now!!! Uh, technology has not been getting along with me recently. But we patched things up! I got my phone back!!! :D The old Nokia phone is actually quite loyal. It never die on me. Yet. :) But it does have a few flaws. Like the whole of my contact list was rearranged. If you're named John Tan, it'd be Tan;John in my phone. And if your name is saved under Jane Tan New, it'd be Tan New;Jane. CONFUSING! And contacts after X disappeared. :O But it has blue tooth and Music player. So it's still good. :)
Heh. I have been very very very very late in blogging. >.< I will try my best to update. TRY.

June Hols have been hectic. The first week went by in a rush. And I haven't had the time to go out. But it was fun. So it kinda made it up. Friday: Shopping for drama. Mon: Drama farewell planning. Tues: Lit. Wed: Chem proj. Thurs: Drama planning. Fri: Chem and Camp. Sat: Camp.
Academics aside, Drama was FUNNNN! We planned the sec 4s farewell themed night and it was a BLAST! So I have been a lil' bit crazy about the meeting time. Maybe 8.30am at bedok interchange was a little over the top. But think about it this way: 8.30am at interchange is 9am at my house. So technically, the meeting's at 9am! :D And nobody can deny that we've accomplished alot! And there're only six of us.
On Friday, me, Vivian and Elgin agreed to meet at 2.30pm. Supposed to be at 2pm, but Vivian says she might be late cuz she just finished her teacher-parent meeting. Then at 2.07pm, Vivian said she's slready at Expo! :O And she told us she'll be late! So I rushed to MRt and arrived at 2.36pm and Elgin was already there. :S I was late. Again. :P But I was only 6 mins late. Not half hour late. They were early! (: Then we walked and walked and searched and got a couple of stuffs. We're at Expo popular, by the way. And the whole popular in expo didn't sell colour paper. The whole hall didn't sell ANY. So we went to the popular at East Point. Bought the remaining stuffs. Then dad picked me up for tuition. Vivian helped me carry the 2 big bags to dad's car. Elgin happily left. Okay, so he did help. Cuz he was the only guy, so must make him do work! :D
Friday was also the last day of tuition for Alison. :( Can't fill up the whole table without her. And Jane's been missing for 3 weeks. But she's returning next semester. Alison took pics with Mr Colin. Then we walked down the stairs (instead of taking the lift! We're eco-friendly) and fooled around a bit. ahh. We'll definitely miss her and her Red Cross jokes.

Monday: Met at bedok interchange. Walked to Sheng Shiong to buy peanuts and containers. But we went off track a lil and bought drinks and snacks and sugared peanuts for ourselves during the meeting. I think we've shopped more for ourselves than on the actual stuffs. :P And Elgin ate his breakfast while walking! In Sheng Shiong, no less! The meeting officially commenced at 10am, and ended at 7.30pm. All the time staying cooped up in my room. And my room was a downright mess after that. No room for walking at all. Haha. Mum got a shock when she came in. Ended after that. After clearing, of course. :)

Tues: Lit meeting at Wenxiang's house. His house is really near to the MRT station. Unfair! No need walk! :S

Wed: Chem meeting. Asked them to meet at 8.30am, but ended up meeting at 9am ._. Did the project, but they complained that the time was too early. Their brains couldn't work well. Hmph!

Thurs: Met at bedok interchange at 8.30am. Cuz the timing was too EARLY, we all haven't had breakfast yet. So we went to market eat. Then took mrt to bugis to shop for our 'uniform'. For the stewardesses. :) The theme is AIRPLANE, by the way. And so there is a need for peanuts. But Bugis Street was not opened yet cuz it's too EARLY. :O Then we waited at National Library for it to open. Cut out the photos for the note books while waiting. Finally done shopping after that. Elgin and Michael have a phobia for shopping now. Esp. with Vivian and me. Cuz they claimed we used 5 hours to shop for clothes. But hey! You have to minus the waiting and travelling time! And the time spent to call Cherie and Deepa to ask for comfirmation. And we're buying for 4! So it's not THAT long. Reached home by lunch time. Did the rest. Blah. Blah. :)

Fri: Met at 7am in school. Okay, I admit it's too early. But three of us have Chem on that day, so we must make full use of that time! Painted in each of the senior's note books and made the windows for the plane.

Will elaborate more soon. It's 2:45am and I've got to slp! 2h outing tomorrow! Oops. Today. No idea who's going. Although stella did say before. But I forgot. :P NIGHTS! MORNING!

Blogged @ 1:58 AM
Don't let me go -

Monday, March 9, 2009

Okay! XUEYI! Don't ignore me next time you see me! I posted! I posted! I posted! I posted! :D

I'M STILL ALIVE! I SURVIVED CAMP!!! :DDD I think I'd better upload these pics, or I'd be skinned alive tomorrow! :p Jiaying and Jiamin, here are the pictures! :D You can pay by cheeks cheeks or more cheeks cheeks! ;)
These are the only pictures I have, though. The rest are with Herman and Shannon, who're in another camp now? Herman posted pictures of me sleeping on the bus in his blog. Two, no less! :'( My reputation is forever tarnished. I shall never show my face in the daylight ever again! :P
I'm being known as I-pin by Herman, cuz she's an anime character and her name sounds like Jie Pin? Hahas.. Herman and Shannon rockkkkk!!! They lets us eat on the bus and gave each and everyone of us a packet of chips each! Though Herman was a little spaced out towards the last night cuz he was worrying about his 'A' levels. But they're good. They took care of us well and bonded our class well. Wadsup Herman, yoyo Shannon!
Camp was fun. (: Kayaking was fun too. I was partnered up with Joshua Ng and Joshua Tan. In short, I was partnered with Joshua and Joshua. >.<>
When we passed the Ncc people, they'd go: Hey, Joshuas! Haha. It was funny.The two of them were hilarious and I laughed till my sides hurt. But kayaking with the two of them had its cons. They are always targets for splashing and I always get wet. :p
But I got hit so many times that Joshua Tan got tired of saying sorry.
Joshua: I think I should just stp saying sorry.
Me: I think so too. :P
Butit was real funny. We did random stuffs along the way like kayaking backwards and sideways just to pick up an abandoned shoe sole. Then we grabbed on to others for taxi. They kayak, we held on to them and so we don't have to use any strength at all. Ahaha.. They don't always realise until a while and we would have taken enough rest by then. Then we paddled to the front cuz they want to find Jonathan and splash him. So we kayaked really fast and guess what? Jonathan was at the back. So we paddled to the front for nothing. We kept looking for victims to hold on to, but they're more in need of help than us, so we left them be. :p
Waterfall was fun too! :D Though I had alot alot alot alot alot alot of stones in my shoes. Sang alot of pop songs together. As a class! Even the cooler than cool boys! Whenever we had to run during the trek, we'd sing "Run baby run, don't ever look back. you'll tear us apart if you give them a chance" all the way. Though the timing wasn't always right. >.<>
The ride back was hilarious! Mardi took over as DJ and played songs for us. He warned us about traffic rules and informed us of non-existant accidents.(He made them up: Acciddents on the left, driver keep to the right.) :D The most hilarious one: Children at the front can cause accidents, accidents at the back can cause children . HAHAHA.
Then someone dedicated a song to us.
Mardi: Someone dedicate this song to everyone in 3c. He wants to remain snonymous, but I'll give you a clue as to who it is. It starts with a 'H' and ends with 'erman'. He had us cracking up! :DDD He can be a DJ for nuts!
Herman took care of us really well and is like La bi Xiao Xin with that big big smile. Esp. in pictures. :DD I'll remember the journey everyone has been through. I'll remember all the encouragement and the instructors. :) Shannon was funny on the bridge. He kept losing his balance, so we always let him go to the front. He'd always be the one who runs across the bridge too. Said he'd quit his job because of the bridge. :D
All in all, camp was F U N!
Will be posting more on the camp! Continue tagging! I'll blog often! I try..... :PPPP

Blogged @ 6:17 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Jiepin Means
You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.
You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.
Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
What's" Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

Hahaha. It's quite true. :D And these are ADDICTIVE! :DDDD

Blogged @ 1:24 AM
Don't let me go -

Monday, November 10, 2008

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I'm back! And after a week long break, I've decided to post! Again!
The 27th post! I've gone THAT far. With the characteristic Jiepin laziness around, I'm surprised it even lasted till the 2oth! Kudos to me! :D

Now, about my day, or week actually:

Stella has gotten me hooked on the detective show which just aired its first episode yesterday. It's COOOOL. :D
And I walked to the bus stop with Yumi after drama yesterday. She told me about the colleges and about NAFA and Laselle institute for the arts and she said NUS also offers Drama in University. She also said I had talent and it will be much easier for me than it's for her. If I were to pursue Drama. But it's right after O levels and I'm not sure if my parents will allow it. :( Oh well, things will eventually work out. I hope.
We blocked scene one already and I'm in it! :D First to speak onstage.

Saturday was fun! :D I was supposed to eat breakfast with Lixin and Xueyi, but we ended up in my house, talking and laughing and catching up. :D Then we watched Scary Movie 4, but only until the end of disc 1 and Xueyi had to leave cuz she had harmonica. That gives us another excuse to have another girls' day out! So we could finish disc 2! :D

Stella and Daren tagged me to do this quiz:

November's missing, though.

Pick your birth month→ Strike out anything that doesn’t apply to you→ Bold the five-ten that best apply to you→ Copy to your blog→ Tag 10 people from your friends list

1) Xue Yi
2) Li Xin
3) Lin Hui
4) Hoe Kang
5) Quentin
6) Fengyuan
7) Cherie
8) Vinnie
9) Stella

JANUARY:Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people’s flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very stubborn and money cautious.

FEBRUARY:Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizes dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

MARCH:Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate.[to people i'm close to lah] Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

APRIL:Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving. Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

MAY:Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic. Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

(Those highlighted 1 are those I'm very sure of. Those not highlighted but also not striked out are those I'm not sure. xD)

Thinks far with vision. (Yup. Most definitely. :D)
Easily influenced by kindness. (Sometimes..)
Polite and soft-spoken. Jiepin, soft-spoken? That'll never happen. :-p
Having ideas. (Alot! :D )
Sensitive. (Quite. But it's not really a dominant trait..)
Active mind. (Well, I got most enthusiastic award in Drama Camp last year. Pretty self-explanatory. ;-))
Hesitating, tends to delay. (6a can vouch for me on that. :D Dubbed the late queen tgt with Lixin by Hoekang. )
Choosy and always wants the best. (Nope, definitely not choosy)
Temperamental. (Who's seen me fly into a rage before?)
Funny and humorous. (My tuition mates knows best! ;D)
Loves to joke.
Good debating skills. (Our group in P6 never lost a debate match! Since day 1 to 10! And Mardiana once said that she didn't want to be my 'opponent' when debating. Plus stella told me to put this BIG BIG. :D)
Talkative. (Yup. Ask anyone.)
Daydreamer. (Uh, referring to me?)
Friendly. (Alright. I'm not in position to say that. But I would like to think so. :D)
Knows how to make friends. (Same here..)
Able to show character. (Yup. DEFENDER OF JUSTICE! )
Easily hurt. (I can't cry to save my life.. )
Prone to getting colds. (I'm Jiepin, Ice Princess. What do you expect? ;D )
Loves to dress up. (You tell me..)
Easily bored. (It's one of the reasons I'm blogging now)
Fussy. (I don't know her.)
Seldom shows emotions.
Takes time to recover when hurt. (Uh.. Don't experienced getting hurt very often, so I can't justify it with an ans...)
Brand conscious. (Who is this person?)
Executive. (Um, I'm not working yet..)
Stubborn. (Verily, although it is rather subtle. You don't see that side of me very often)

There! Done! :D

JULY:Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover. (Those highlighted 1 are those I'm very sure of. Those not highlighted but also not striked out are those I'm not sure. haha)

AUGUST:Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride in oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.

SEPTEMBER:Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

OCTOBER:Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

DECEMBER:Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egotistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

I'll post somemore on the chalet sometime soon! :D

Oh yeah! I'm linking people!


Blogged @ 9:13 PM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm blogging again. =D This is becoming more and more like a practice. And it's addictive. (:
Now, about the chalet! It's going to be detailed, be warned! AND REALLY REALLY LOOOOOOOONG.
1st DAY: Alright. Woke up at 7? And huimin was supposed to give me a wake up call. But I forgot to on my phone. :-p

Then she arrived at 8. We started on the secret mission!
Then stella and vinnie arrived. Were screaming and banging on the door. I thought the house was on fire. xD
Then we started to make the cookies!
& yongjia arrived at 11. He went to play my organ. xD and Rubik's cube.
Then 12 o'clock rolled around and I had to go cuz hoekang started calling.
So me stella huimin vinnie yongjia went to bedok interchange to have lunch and then took the mrt to pasir ris. Vinnie left for band and the rest stayed up there to play heart attack. Yongjia got bankrupt?
And i went to meet lixin and hoekang.
Turns out I was late. Again. :-p
So we went to McDonald's and met chanan and shelton.
Chatted awhile and went to the food court at white sands cuz lixin had sore throat and she ate porridge. :D

Though she ate the cookies we made which will worsen her sore throat..

And I got bored looking at them eat. Cuz i had my lunch alr. :(
Then hoekang's mum was really kind. She allowed us to take her car. :D
So we squeezed in at the back.
At one point of time, me and lixin started commenting on how we were taller than hoekang now that we're on the car. (He was sitting at the front)
Then his chair started inching upwards until he was taller than us when-
he got scolded by his mum.. xD
I'm not sure how he does it. Pressed some buttons I think.
So we reached Aloha Loyang soon after. Went to the registration room.
And shelton asked me to act bimbo with him. Really hilarious. Pretended we didn't know each other. "Totally!"

Had a look at the chalet and everybody were complaining. Cuz it was a little run down. And we were only allowed to use the aircon for only 15hours for the 3 days. CFC control or sth.

Oh well, no matter, the company still matters most. :D

Shelton started saying how Aranda country club was loads better than Aloha Loyang.

Which made me kinda.. Relieved? Cuz 2h chalet was at Aranda. :D

But it ain't too bad. Although the toilet looks scary. But the facilities were good. It had a freezer/chiller and fridge. 2 rooms and 6 beds.

And then we were supposed to check the facilities and the stuff to see if anything was missing within the hour.

"Where's the sculler?"


"No, it's this one."

"What is a wash basin?"

"No idea"

"How many plates?"

Haha. Hilarity ensues. And the boys were better than the girls at this. They seem to know the names of all the cutlery and stuffs while me and lixin just stood there.

"I thought girls were supposed to be better at this?"

"It's okay, I don't mind letting the guys do all the work "

Well, we're just not housewife material! It doesn't help that we were clueless about the things too. xD

And the boys got ready to call the people to come over cuz there was only one chopping board instead of 2. But the phone can't work either. So they used handphone. And guess what? The other chopping board was just by the sink, camouflaged by the wall. Haha. Blur kings. :D

After that we decided to go E-hub. So we went there. Walked the long long long long LONG walk there. We kept asking "Are we there yet?"

And shelton made friends with the security guard. (:

Saw liting while going up the escalator. She was going down. But joined us at the arcade later. So we played played played. And we played the 3 coloured buttons thingy. Liting was a pro! :D Really good. And real fast. Got top always. I got 2nd. By luck. My hand-eye co-ordination is just not good. The only reason I got 2nd was thanks to the fact that the people around kept helping me and that there were only 3 people playing. So technically, I got 2nd last!

Then shelton played the dance thingy. And he got real high. 2nd highest. Then dawn and wenxin snuck up behind them.

And we played the hit-the-screen-with-plastic-ball game. No idea what it was called. The 5 of us gathered around the screen and we spammed the screen. We threw and threw and threw. And we played it thrice. It was really fun. :D We got top student!!! Which is the best, I think. Haha. But shelton kept aiming wrongly. Really hilarious. So we ended up playing those games that we did not intended to play. We played basketball next. But liting accidentally tapped it thrice. So.. me and lixin played 5 times, plus the number of times we reached stage 2. Ouch. Our legs and hands were hurting way after that. Like we couldn't feel our legs. And hands for that matter.

But it was fun nonetheless. :D

And then we went back to chalet cuz yangzhi and jianyou reached alr. So we went back and dawn said she wanted the bed in the separate room. But jianyou kept arguing with her. And then both don't want it. Cuz the curtain was hanging precariously from the hanger. So it may just fall down when you're asleep and sufoccate you to death or catch you unawares. Then we played on the wooden table. With the mini-est, tiniest, smallest deck of cards belonging to lixin. Funny how 6a had the smallest and the miniest when 2h had the bigger than biggest deck of cards. It was really small and hard to play. But that's all we've got.. Haha. And lixin AlWAYS got to start. But I won most of the games. :D Yay. Go me! And xueyi called to say that she was in e-hub. So we decided to go dinner. Then told xueyi that we were in McDonald's. When she reached McDonald's, we told her we were in the food court at downtown. xD

Like a cat and mouse game.
So we ordered our food and chatted and ate. Though by the time mine and lixin's and hoekang's food came, the rest finished theirs more or less. Then saw 2h.. And a couple of them passed our table. Looking at me weirdly. Thought they saw the wrong people, perhaps? And jieheng asked if I'm joining them anot. And I said yes. Then the rest said I betray them for 2h. :'( And that they'll kill me and eat my meat for lunch. :-p So i offered my head. :)

So I rejoined 2h. And found out that kristal had to eat plain noodles cuz she can't eat oily stuffs thanks to her appendicitis. Not appendics! xDD

& I stared at them eat again.

And then there were quarrel over the money issue. Again. :( And darrel and the rest pushed the trolley back to the chalet. -.-

And went to the chalet. My first time there. Really nice! And fully air-conditioned! And marbled floor and comfy bed!

haha. Then slacked in the girls' room. And went out. Played twister. HAHAHA. We tortured the guys. Me and kristal. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. We made them do outrageous things on the board.

"Put your legs on red"

"Left hand on red"

"Right leg on blue"

"Do a split!"

Hahaha. REALLY FUNNY. Had me and kristal cracking up. And yanzhou got muscle cramps thanks to that. :D And at one point kaarthik had to rest his legs on shija's legs and shija kept complaining. And shija ended up underneath shija. :D

Then played UNO. And stella was sabo-ed. By hem-hem. She had to draw, like 28? I dunno. Not really sure. Really funny. Lots of sabo-ing and skipping and reversing.

Then wanzhuo went to buy Macs. And I ordered fries. Kristal stole them when she was not supposed to!! :( And wanzhuo scolded me for letting her eat! :( So I had to hide said fries because kristal was easily tempted.
After that the television kinda went awry and weird, and joshua called the repairman up. Then there were only allowed 8 people in the chalet only, so 8 of stayed in the living room while everyone hid in the rooms. Then we realised that the shoes were a dead-giveaway, so we hurriedly threw them in the boys' toilet. Hahaha. Then rushed back to hide in our rooms again! Some of the boys went night walk?
Then movies next. Watched 'The house'. Darrel's disk I think. Then us girls booked the chairs. Didn't bring my specs. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Because I was not half as scared as the rest. :D So it's a gooood thing. Thanks kristal for helping me read out the subtitles cuz i couldn't make them out. Without you, i wouldn't understand half the story. Although the subtitles weren't in good english and you didn't understand half of them. xD
Lots of gory scenes and i didn't scream! :D Hahaha. Thanks to my short-sightedness. Not cockeye, as somebody nicely puts it. :-p
Huimin left through half of the house i think.
And siuyen's scream sounded like it came from the television. hahaha.

Then watched Child's Play 2. We lost the chair and got the floor instead. Then stella wanted to sit next to me. Then she got darrel to let her lean on his legs with pillow of course. So she chose pillow over jiepin. Comforting to know that a non-animate object was more important than me. :-s At first me and kristal 'used' jay as our pillow. Then the pillow started sliding down and going really low. xD Thanks anyway.
And darius got impatient and asked darrel to go Macs with him. Then darrel said he will leave until the next person died.

Then the teacher died and then the boys went to Macs again. And left a few in the chalet. So we played with the truth detector. Haha. Lots of truth-telling or.. was it?
Then watched 'the shutter'. AND it was really BORING.

Darrel only came out at the part where there were explicit kissing scenes and started whistling. :-s

Half of us falling asleep 20 mins into the show?

So we continued watching Child's play 2. At which point the boys started playing "Need for speed" very noisily. And wanzhuo kept poking/kicking darrel in the hem-butt-hem cuz he pointed it too high. :) Wanzhuo and vinnie thinks Chucky is cute. Hahaha.

I will still restate my point that Chucky is INCREDIBLY like yanzhou. He smirks like yanzhou, points the middle finger like yanzhou and threatens like yanzhou. So i therefore conclude that chucky and yanzhou is the very same. :p
Warning to all: Stay clear of yanzhou when he holds a lighter. And keep your handphone away from him, for that matter. He called yongjia twice using my phone. :-p

So we watched till the end but there were some technical difficulties in the middle and fengyuan went to repair it, but we couldn't hear very well. Oh well, I shan't be complaining. Did I mention how great the guys were? Daren and yanzhou were really good at the computer, though both of them kept quarrelling. xD THEY CONNECTED THE LAPTOP TO THE TELEVISION. A feat that I didn't thought possible until that day. Then they somehow felt that it doesn't work like that and so proceeded to gang up against vinnie and asked her why her laptop was so slow. And said she was cheated cuz it was supposed to be windows vista when it shows window xp. & vinnie's dad bought 3 of the same kind. Then vinnie defended saying that they couldn't even use the other computer.
End of 1st day!!!
I shall blog on the second day tomorrow. >.<>

Blogged @ 6:23 PM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back from Chalet and I'm dead tired. Fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. Slept through the whole evening. Like 1 hour?
I'll post more about the chalet some other time or tomorrow.
My mind is now foggy from lack of sleep and I can feel a sore throat coming. The 5th time this year. :S
And I'll be involved in Chinese Drama later in December. Weeks of waking up early on Saturdays. But I'll handle. (:
So I'll be involved in both Chinese and English Drama. Yup, jiepin in Chinese Drama? The world is coming to an end! Her Chinese is not even good! Never imagined that I'd be acting in Chinese and much less be willing for it. But that's life. :D
Let's just hope the competition dates don't clash, just like 6a and 2h chalet. :(
I had a funtime for both actually. :)
& I'll miss 2h.
Chalet has shown me different sides to our fellow classmates, and although it's a tad too late, I would like to say that I got to know them better through it.
Hope you girls like the cards me and huimin wrote! :D
Okay, I really need my sleep. We wouldn't want her to look like a zombie when going to Drama tomorrow, would we?



Blogged @ 6:59 AM
Don't let me go -

Monday, October 27, 2008

Helloo!!! :D I did not abandon this blog! And it's been almost a year. Or two years.
Went to Peninsular plaza with Stella Huimin Vinnie Wanzhuo Siu Yen to collect the class tee today and they're really cool! :D We even had our names on it! Haha. And tomorrow, we shall go for 2h chalet. I'm really looking forward to it. And the last time we will be together. As a class.
6A chalet is on the same day. Oh well, I shall see tomorrow. Baking cookies tomorrow and I'm gonna bring them to chalet. They're really nice! Although I haven't baked yet. =.=

The Class Tee! It's really really REALLY cool! Courtesy of Siu Yen. Aspiring artist. :D

I'm really gonna miss 2h! All the fun times we had. The Sec 1 cohort camp, The Sec 2 cohort camp, the LTA trip, China Exchange.

It is in that very classroom we studied together, and that very class room where we angered Mr Teo K K to death, in that very classroom where the boys had their almost daily pen-and-broom fighting.(That was Darius having a war. :) The good and the bad times we've been through and more. So much more.

I'd hate to think how we'll react to each other next year. A brief smile and a quick 'hello'. And you swiftly walk past, as if we were just mere acquantances, nothing else. Like we were never close. It would pain me to see that happening, and knowing that we all have to move on eventually, like everyone else.

I would miss Joshua's hilariously hilarious comments and questions that never seem to fail to crack the class up.

I would miss riling Darrel up just to see his reaction or when he was really annoying.

I missed sitting at the back of the classroom, with Kristal beside me and playing Rubik's cube under the table.

I missed eating sweets when the DM's not looking and counting down with Wan Zhuo during her lessons. '5 more minutes, Wan Zhuo, 5 more minutes and it'll be the end of her class!'

I miss hearing Shija read the Literature texts during lit and his various mistakes that ALWAYS sent huimin and stella into fits of giggles.

I missed all the 2h girls squeezing together at one table when there was not enough space.

I missed singing together with stella at the top of our voices when walking up the stairs and annoying the hell out of huimin.

I missed our 'good luck' claps.

I missed the fun times we've had.

I missed alot alot alot of things, but I'm procrastinating today. xD

I still remember getting in trouble 'cause we ran in the rain up to our classrooms.

It's funny how the few people whom we thought kept 2h apart turned out to be the glue; the most essential piece of puzzle.

I really should go. I have yet to pack for the chalet yet. Sue me.

Blogged @ 3:33 AM
Don't let me go -